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the dndGPT Motion Logo

A ThinkTank Portfolio Piece

The dndGPT logo designed with human and AI

We’re excited to share the dndGPT Motion Logo!

DndGPT is a customGPT on ChatGPT, the DM’s assistant for you and me. It’s trained on Dungeons and Dragons 5e and the SRD 5.1. Follow the link, you can try it for free!

This is an ultra-fun project that has had a lot of moving parts. Most of the original logo was designed by ChatGPT then taken into Adobe Illustrator and turned into a “real logo” which includes things like choosing a formal font, and simplifying vectors.

Motion Graphics and Lotties

After the initial graphic design we took the graphic into After Effects to animate it... BUT the actual animation—the twinkling stars—was (in our imagination) set to sound effects. So the firs task was actually making the tinkling noises.

Sound effects aren’t usable as a Lottie—the motion graphics above, which are generated by code, and ultra-small files for websites. (Which is why it’s okay to have both playing on an eternal loop.)

Start with Sound

The tinkling chimes noise is actually one of our favorite Christmas Ornaments that was PERFECT for the task.

It took a surprisingly long time to get the tinkling right. Sound effects probably isn’t something we’ll put an enormous amount of effort, but it was fun—and it really makes the dndGPT Motion Logo special.

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