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Get to Know Our Process

Identify the Central Idea

At ThinkTank, we transform disconnected systems—like websites, brands, CRMs, and backends—into a unified whole by identifying the Central Idea that ties everything together. In an internet landscape that’s rapidly evolving, this approach ensures your business moves forward cohesively, making complexity simple and manageable.

We like to get started with some good old-fashioned, rigorous, [AI-supported], SEO keyword and market research.


What is a "Central Idea"?

Not to get all philosophical on you, but the Central Idea is the “Idea that holds an Entity or Thing together.” In your case, it’s whatever your business does, and expresses itself through everything your business does. 

Once you figure it out, you can do all sorts of things, like branding, build a website, create content, or—wait for it—organize RAG systems that use AI to help your business in the way your unique business is ran. 


build modules

Nothing in our process has been more affected by AI than this build phase. Not just what we build, but how we build it has changed to reflect the new technology. 

Here, we use the Central Idea to build your business’ digital presence. This usually starts with a brand, but every business is unique, and we can help produce everything from a simple branded website, to motion, to AI automation. 

Here at ThinkTank, we figure out how to create a system that is tailored to your unique needs, built on your unique experience and grown from the identification of your Central Idea. It’s understanding “how you do things” that is the key to building AI systems that work for you.