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AI and Automation

The possibilities for advanced business solutions presented by Artificial Intelligence are literally endless. ThinkTank uses it’s experience and creativity to help you figure out how it can all work with your unique needs.

There is Probably a Way

With AI, whatever the challenge, there is probably a way to get the job done, and get it done ethically. There is probably a way to help you save time, be more efficient,  or automate some business process that frees time for the things only you can do all while respecting the rights of everyone involved.

Quickstart Consultation

Want a crash-course in AI? Schedule a two-hour long Quickstart Consultation for one-on-one, two hour session where we’ll explore the possibilities your business with actionable and unique solutions tailored to you. If you can imagine it, you can probably do it. Schedule Yours Today.

AI with Every Project

ThinkTank uses AI to enhance it’s work at every step of our process, for example, designing a CustomGPT to specifically write your company copy while we also design your website, another to help research your content, yet another to help you with your backend processes and customer service.

These are enduring assets which you’ll be able to use again and again.

CustomGPT Design

ThinkTank really digs designing CustomGPTs for your specific business needs. A CustomGPT is a “custom personality” for OpenAI’s ChatGPT, trained specifically for your needs.

CustomGPTs are excellent ways to begin with AI that can scale with you and your company. We offer everything from a basic class, designing a simple version—check our free live demo, DungeonMasterGPT—or go further with our advanced api options and integrations.

Zapier Automation

Zapier is the name in creating automations in a safe and efficient environment. Let ThinkTank help you design your systems.

Level Up with CustomGPT Actions

With safety and security in mind at every step of the way, ThinkTank can design and develop everything from advanced custom connections to Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive, to data analysis, to content creation and storytelling.

Advanced Solutions

The really cool things with AI and Automation are happening in the backend. Assistants and other Intelligence Layers connected to your data in ways that can do far more than simply generate text. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination… and the quality of your data. Get in touch with your proposal.

Articles and Projects Related to AI and Automation

Here you can learn how we bring all of our capabilities together in our various projects and articles.