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It Was Only 10PM — Capturing a Moment in Downtown, Denver

A ThinkTank Portfolio Piece

This picture shows a very drunk fellow completely unaware of the fact that he's sitting on a fire hydrant in the most uncomfortable way imaginable outside a Downtown Denver restaurant at 10pm one evening in 2022.

This is quite possibly our favorite photo so far. There it was, 10 pm. We were just getting out of a symphony downtown and were walking up 17th street to catch the train back home.

Whilst walking, we captured this perfect moment of perfect drunk abandon. There this fellow was, completely sauced at 10 pm. So sauced that he is completely unaware of the fact that he’s sitting on a fire hydrant in the most uncomfortable way imaginable.

Was he just promoted? Maybe he was just informed that he was getting divorced. Good or bad, the fellow was in a place we all know and everyone has been there. It was a beautiful moment where all the things, like lighting, and an angle at which the fellow wouldn’t be immediately recognizable, all came together.

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